
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2023


 09-28-23 In this sentence I will give you my opinion about three questions which I have selected myself myself 1) What is your opinion about animal testing? I think it is a totally cruel practice which should be completely abolished, I do not find anything ethical and moral to have animals locked up for a lifetime just for human welfare, with current technology if or if you must find a way to stop using animals and find other techniques which do not result in mistreatment of animals. 2) What is your opinion about cloning? I think that cloning is a very interuesting topic in cell biology because it presents us with a new world of possibilities, but this leads to unethical practices because the most talked about is human cloning and this in itself sounds unethical no matter for what reasons it is applied, but nevertheless it is a very interesting area of study. 3) What is your opinion about buying and not adopting pets? In many occasions the animal that one wants to have as a companion